Calling All Gamers 3.0 - Some more Good Times ... with Retro Rich!!

Hi everyone!

I think it’s high time I dusted this place out again, and used it as yet another medium to get things out to you all. 

You see, time is going to get short to get content out on the main Bacon Ice Cream Productions YouTube channel, and even my own personal channel due to the birth of our newest member of the Heywood family, Henry! But I will be able to knock out a few words here and there, When they pop into my head. I figured that instead of just keeping notes, I’d share them here, so that I can keep the conversation and engagement going. Who knows, maybe some of these musings will become future episodes of Good Times with Retro Rich, and Perfect Score Returns!

So think of this as an inside look into what I’m thinking about in the world of retro goodness, and likely some other things in the world of geek culture. I hope you enjoy your stay!

Don’t forget to drop me a line on here, or hit me up on the things...I’ll be editing that side bar soon so you can find me easier.

Thanks again,

- Retro Rich


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