Link's Update - 03/08/2009 - Keeping faithful!

Hey all,

Well, there's nothing really new to report, I just need to keep this post train a rollin'!

I suppose I can report on a few things Bacon Ice Cream...

I'm still in the process of fixing our YouTube issue (I know, it's getting to the lazy stage, but it WILL get done!)

We're getting ready for the new stuff to go down on the Perfect Impact! blog (Colin's getting amped about it, but needs some help in the 'How do I use blogger' Dept.)

Diabolik and I need to also set a time for the report on my social experiment from Dreamation 2009 (All in the 'I need to get my butt to Jersey and talk with him' Dept.)

And I can also report on a few things Link...

After seeing Watchmen, I've been trying to catch up on some TV. I've been watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles which is shaping up very nicely this season. I've also been getting ready to catch up on Heroes, although I hear it's reaching 'Has jumped the shark' territory.

I've still been playing Killzone 2 and replaying Killzone 1 on crazy codes! I'll be reporting more with every extended session.

I'm also really excited about being able to bring you all as much content as I can, it makes me happy to do so!

Well, I do believe that about wraps it up for this little update, I'll catch you guys later!



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