Link's Update - 02/26/2009 - Still Editing!

Hey all,

Just thought I'd pop by to let you all know that the edit of all the Dreamation 2009 footage is going smoothly. I have just finished all the interview segments, and they will be available on both YouTube and our site at

Next on the editing table is our own wrap-up from the con, a walkthrough of the entire convention floor, (minus the wargaming room, because I couldn't find it when they moved it :0P Sorry guys, I'll get you at Dexcon!) our footage of the awesome Chocolate Heaven, and the thing you guys might be most interested here on Calling All Gamers, me getting my ass kicked in some Street Fighter IV!

I'll be back to let you guys know when all that has gone up, and of course to do a 'cast about the little experiment I was running at Dreamation as soon as I can.

Well, it's back to the grind for me, I'll c'ya all soon!


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