Link's Update 09/09/08 - Anniversarys, New Beginnings, and Crashing on XBLA!
The Sega Dreamcast launched nine years ago on this day...
The sights and sounds of that wondrous machine filled the air as thousands ran home to experience one, if not the single greatest launch in terms of titles in history.
Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure, Power Stone, NFL 2K, Ready 2 Rumble, House of the Dead 2, Tokyo Xtreme Racer, Mortal Kombat Gold, and Blue Stinger,(...wait, maybe not Blue Stinger) were all as great as you could hope for in a launch. Many of these titles have stood the test of time to become some of the best games ever released...
Then, just a few short years later, it all fell apart...
Who will rise to save SEGA now?
Well, that was fun.
Sounds like the start of some surreal version of a NES-era Final Fantasy game. :0P
Anyway, besides semi-celebrating 09-09-99, I thought I might pop by to formally announce that Calling All Gamers will find a home on what will soon be the brand new Bacon Ice Cream homepage! So now new and current visitors alike will soon have a place to crash land and hang out. You never know, visitors of just this site might even find some new blogs from the other members of the Bacon Ice Cream crew on that site that they might just find interesting!
In other happenings, I spoke to a fellow workmate today who told me that I should turn on my dust collecting XBOX 360 to check out a new XBLA title. Castle Crashers is the name of this "pretty cool" piece of software my workmate recommended. Since I am all about the new happenings in all things XBLA and PSN, I do believe I'll check it out in the next day or two. You might even hear a certain Episode 4 to kick off a new semi-regular podcast release from me.
Stranger things have happened...
'Til next time,
-LinkYoungPS (XBL)
-LinkYoung_PS (PSN)
The sights and sounds of that wondrous machine filled the air as thousands ran home to experience one, if not the single greatest launch in terms of titles in history.
Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure, Power Stone, NFL 2K, Ready 2 Rumble, House of the Dead 2, Tokyo Xtreme Racer, Mortal Kombat Gold, and Blue Stinger,(...wait, maybe not Blue Stinger) were all as great as you could hope for in a launch. Many of these titles have stood the test of time to become some of the best games ever released...
Then, just a few short years later, it all fell apart...
Who will rise to save SEGA now?
Well, that was fun.
Sounds like the start of some surreal version of a NES-era Final Fantasy game. :0P
Anyway, besides semi-celebrating 09-09-99, I thought I might pop by to formally announce that Calling All Gamers will find a home on what will soon be the brand new Bacon Ice Cream homepage! So now new and current visitors alike will soon have a place to crash land and hang out. You never know, visitors of just this site might even find some new blogs from the other members of the Bacon Ice Cream crew on that site that they might just find interesting!
In other happenings, I spoke to a fellow workmate today who told me that I should turn on my dust collecting XBOX 360 to check out a new XBLA title. Castle Crashers is the name of this "pretty cool" piece of software my workmate recommended. Since I am all about the new happenings in all things XBLA and PSN, I do believe I'll check it out in the next day or two. You might even hear a certain Episode 4 to kick off a new semi-regular podcast release from me.
Stranger things have happened...
'Til next time,
-LinkYoungPS (XBL)
-LinkYoung_PS (PSN)